Our Location
Yonge & Finch, North York, OntarioYonge & Finch, North York, Ontario
Engine Bay Detailing
Engine Bay Detailing can be very rewarding, typical engine compartments is often severely neglected and will show significant improvement after engine detailing service. We have been providing exceptional quality of engine detailing in Greater Toronto. Engine cleaning involves removing dirt, dust, oil, grease from the engine compartment and application of protective coating on rubber, plastic parts to restore that original sheen.
Engine Cleaning Process
The engine compartment is fully cleansed using a selection of engine cleaning brushes, dedicated engine cleaner P21S Total Auto Wash to treat areas in the engine bay. We then carefully steam certain areas to safely break down dirt, grime from intricate areas followed by rinsing the engine. Excess water is removed using a professional hot filtered air blower. All plastics, rubber hoses are protected and dressed with water based coatings.
- Masking Certain Sensitive Areas as Necessary
- Using Warm Filtered Air Dryer
- Water Based Protective Coatings